We Work With Realtors To Improve the Value of Homes
Easy Breezy Ducts has developed a strong relationship with several realtors in the Cache Valley area. Our working relationship has allowed us to help improve the value of homes around the valley, making for better sales and better living for customers. How did this situation arise?
Realtors Are The Cornerstone Entry Point for New Residents
Cache Valley sees a lot of new residents every year. People from all over the country read articles declaring us one of the best places in the country to live. It’s very attractive, especially for families. It’s hard moving into a new place, however; you don’t know the place or the people. You have no friends to help them out.
Realtors are the key to finding the right place. They understand the ins and outs of buying, can find out about any necessary remodeling or repairs, and match the home to a person’s job and education needs. For someone moving into Cache Valley for the first time, a realtor is practically essentially to getting yourself the right home.
Air Duct Cleaning Improves the Value Homes
One of the many parts of a realtor’s job is finding out any problems with a house so they can inform potential buyers. They have to know the full situation, both the obvious and the not-so-obvious issues buyers will have to contend with. Duct cleaning is one of those not-so-obvious issues. If a carpet has mold, you can see the dark splotches. If a countertop needs to be replaced, you can see the damage. When a your air ducts are dirty, however, you don’t see anything. You don’t see the toys previous owners’ kids dropped into vents. You don’t see the dead mice, or bird nests that might be in there. With so many unusual things we find when we clean air ducts, you’d be shocked.
You feel it, though; the coughing from the dust, the tiredness from disrupted sleep, it gets to you. Cleaning your air ducts once every 3-5 years not only improves the air quality in your home, it increases the longevity of your HVAC system. That’s why many realtors around the valley recommend us to people for air duct cleaning. If done before selling the house, it can improve the sale value because it’s one less thing the new buyer will have to worry about. For new buyers, it gives you a fresh start to your new life in Cache Valley.
New Homes Might Also Need Air Duct Cleaning
Maybe you’re not moving into a used home, but one that’s just been built. You’re probably thinking that you don’t need any air duct cleaning in that case, since there hasn’t been enough time for the ducts to get dirty. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Sometimes new homes have problems with their ducts that came up during construction. Perhaps the construction crew was sloppy and construction debris got into the vents. Sometimes animals like mice, birds, and other pests, slip into the vents before they’re properly sealed. Sometimes the vents aren’t properly sealed in the first place. This means that even homes built less than a year ago might have serious air duct cleaning needs.
Get Some Discounts!
Many realtors around Cache Valley have approached us over this issue. They want to make sure their homes get the best closing prices and that their customers are satisfied with the purchase. Their reputation is on the line over it. Getting the ducts cleaned is just one more way they can ensure this. We now give realtors special deals for duct cleaning on houses being sold.
If you’re a realtor in Cache Valley and you want to take advantage of this, get in touch with us today. We’ll set up a meeting with your company and get to know you. We’ll offer a free presentation and figure out how your business works. If you think we’re a good fit with you, we can arrange a special deal. Whether it’s referral discounts, or gift cards to give your clients, we’ll come up with an offer that’s most suited to your business model. So call today and see what we can do for you!