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The Pros and Cons of Home Air Duct Cleaning

Aug 17, 2024 | Uncategorized

How Will Home Air Duct Cleaning Help You In Logan, Utah?

Home Air Duct Cleaning as a service isn’t one a lot of people think about. Most of the people we talk to – the ones who aren’t regulars with us, anyway – tell us they never even thought about cleaning their air ducts. It’s easy to see why. It isn’t a job you need to do a lot, and you don’t ever see the air ducts to know just how dirty they can get. Nevertheless, it’s a service that can provide many benefits to your home. What are these benefits? And are there drawbacks? Let’s take a look.

Pros and Cons of Home Air Duct Cleaning


1. Reduced Allergies

This is the benefit that our customers most often report on. Over time, dust, dirt, and allergens will build up in the ducts. This is especially true of many of the older homes in Logan, which don’t have modern filter systems on their air ducts. As they build up, the flow of air spreads them throughout the entire house. It’s not super noticeable at first, but over time, it gets worse. It happens so slowly that you often don’t even notice until after you’ve fixed the problem and realize just how much you were dealing with it.

Having a home air duct cleaning will reduce this issue. It removes all the gunk so that your air duct system has cleaner, fresher air blowing through it. Like many of our customers, you might be surprised just how much of a difference it makes.

2. Increased Energy Efficiency

Mountain Valley HVAC, a company we often work with, has seen first hand what a lot of dust can do. When that gets into your ducts, it restricts the flow of air. This forces your HVAC system to work harder for the same results. Your system will use up more energy keeping your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Furthermore, that dust can back up into the HVAC itself, coating the moving parts and drying out the grease. The increased friction this causes will wear out the HVAC faster, meaning you’ll end up needing to replace it. Along with regular maintenance, a home air duct cleaning can extend the life of your HVAC as well as saving you money on your power bills.

3. You Get A Lot For The Money

Unlike some cleaning services, like carpet cleaning (which we also do), home air duct cleaning isn’t something you need very often. Where we recommend getting your carpets cleaned twice a year (once in spring, once in fall), your air ducts will usually stay clean for a while. This is especially true if you have a modern HVAC system with filters on the ducts that you change as needed. Generally, you only need to have your air ducts cleaned once every 3-5 years. For a service you so rarely need, you get a lot of benefits.

4. Our Sanitizing Service Comes With It

While dust and pollen are the things we mostly expect to find in your air ducts, they aren’t the only things we’ve ever found. If your air ducts aren’t properly sealed, mice will sometimes get in. If there’s one thing everybody knows about mice, it’s that they poop everywhere. It smells terrible and it spreads disease. Not wanting to do anything half way, with any home air duct cleaning, we also include our sanitizing service. Our sanijet system coats your air ducts in a thin layer of sanitizer. This will kill off disease causing bacteria as well as help get rid of the smells.


1. Scams Everywhere

Facebook is fast becoming a wild west for scammers of all stripes. Home air duct cleaning is no exception, unfortunately. From bait and switches, to hidden fees, to straight up fake businesses, if you’re not careful, you can find yourself spending a lot of money and getting nothing out of it. That’s why we put together a handy guide to help you avoid falling into their traps.

2. The Up-Front Cost

Like any service, it costs money to have your air ducts cleaned by a professional. If you’re someone who doesn’t like spending money, that’s gonna feel like a turn-off. You might think that since you’ve never done it before and not been bothered, why do it now? Well, as we said above, the build-up to a serious problem is so slow, you don’t notice the difference not cleaning your air ducts make until you do. Fortunately, this isn’t something you need to do often, so that up-front cost isn’t going to be hitting you all the time.

3. It’s Easy to Forget

Because you don’t need to clean your air ducts very often, it’s a chore that’s easy to forget. You might not remember when the last time it was you had your ducts cleaned because of how long it’s been. This makes it easier to overlook. If you forget, then you’ll have a bigger problem dealing with it.

it can be difficult to spot the need for home air duct cleaning 4. It Can Be Hard To Tell If You Need It

It’s not just how slowly the dust builds up that makes it difficult to tell if there’s a problem. Your air ducts aren’t easy to inspect. It’s dark in there and the HVAC runs a long way through multiple turns. The dust might not be built up in an easy spot to see. It takes a bit of time on your part to find out if your ducts need cleaning. We’d recommend checking with a camera that has a flash on it.

Who Benefits from Home Air Duct Cleaning?

Whether or not the service is worth it or not is something people have to decide for themselves. But there are certain situations where people get the most benefit from our services. Dust is mostly made up of dead skin cells, pet dander, and dead bugs. This stuff takes time to build up, so it’s often a great benefit to those who are buying a home that’s had a previous tenant in it. It’s likely that those who owned the home before you also never thought about cleaning the air ducts.  This is especially true in older homes with outdated HVACs that lack modern filters. If you’re selling the home, on the other hand, getting the ducts cleaned can be a good selling point; it’s one less thing the buyer has to worry about before moving in.

Sometimes, construction crews will forget to properly seal air ducts before doing their work. It’s also possible for the seals to get broken in the course of the work. When this happens, sometimes construction debris (and occasionally even construction tools) will get into the vents. If the crew doesn’t think to have the vents cleaned before they leave the site when it’s done, then it will still be in your ducts when you move in. It’s a good idea to double check when you first move into a new home to be sure.

But the people who get the absolute most value from it are people who deal with allergies. Dust in the air ducts can be unpleasant enough on its own, but if you have allergies, it becomes intolerable. Our customers who deal with allergies tell us that the difference is night and day. They can breathe so much easier afterward and sleep better than ever. If you’ve got allergies, then this is absolutely worth it for you.

Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned Today

How long has it been since your last home air duct cleaning? Although we’ve got some regulars now, we still find a lot of people can’t remember the last time they cleaned their ducts. Most of them tell us they probably never even have; they didn’t know it was something they needed to do. If that’s the case with you, then you are probably well overdue. Give us a call today (link to contact) and set up an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!